Under each color towel was a 3x5 plastic index card box, buried that morning about four feet underground. Within the box was the first transmitter piece, a small speaker pictured here. There was also a note telling the teams to swim to an orange buoy 50 yards into the surf:

I bury the remaining transmitter piece here under the sand for someone to discover later. I cannot remember the codes anymore and the map has left me several aphelions ago.

I have found that daily saline baths have slowed the spread of Rencar throughout my body. Everyday, I met some friends here that provided me with a body board for my daily swim. I would swim out to an orange, circular buoy approximately 50 yards offshore. My friends can point you in the right direction. At the buoy, I will leave the locator clue and log entry for someone to follow in my footsteps.

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