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January 5, 1964
To whom it may concern:
A few weeks ago, I found a scared pitiful creature huddling underneath this structure. She told me in broken English that her name was Trelix, and that she was lost and a long way from home. I asked her where she had come from and she smiled, as though the question was a humorous one. Then she became serious, and said that she needed my help. She told me that she needed me to write down some kind of directions, and that it was critically important. Then she told me that to get to the last place she had been, you must turn right off of some highway, and then follow the nearest track away from the highway, over an extinct stream, approximately 250 segments, until you find her old hiding place on the right side of the track.
I asked her which highway and where you turn right off the highway, and she simply shook her head and cried, explaining in her limited English that she did not know which highway or where the turn should be made. She did tell me that her hiding place was next to three ancient skeletons, which must have been citizens of an ancient civilization. She said that she knew (by sensing the remnants of their “life energy”) that these people had been dead for exactly nine hundred years, and that they had been buried together at the same burial site. When I pressed her for further detail, she explained the first skeleton had a black armband, the second skeleton had a red armband, and the third wore a yellow armband. She could provide me with no further information. After a couple more hours together, she explained haltingly that she must move on. She gave me the enclosed log entry and asked me to leave it, along with the directions she gave me, somewhere on this structure. Then she was gone, away down I-40, searching for some kind of “beacon” to communicate with her “friends.”
I was intrigued by the mystery, and so I spent a number of weeks in the library researching local history. It turns out that there was an ancient civilization that existed in this area many centuries ago. They were known as the Yokisa tribe. Their system of roads was so advanced that the later European settlers simply paved their own roads on top of the Yokisa roads, such that:
The Way of the Serpent became highway 18.
The Way of the Scorpion became I-15.
The Way of the Rat became highway 395.
The Way of the Buzzard became highway 138.
The Way of the Wolf became highway 58.
The Way of the Locust became highway 127.
I also found a translated copy of the Yokisa Citizenship and Burial Act of 6110, which is enclosed. The book said that the Yokisa followed this law strictly and there was no deviation from its edicts.
I know that the year of the Yoki 6110 is equivalent to 514 A.D. of the Latin/Christian calendar, and that one Giad is equivalent to one tenth of a mile. I believe that this is all the information you will need to solve the mystery that helpless little Trelix left for me. And so, I am fulfilling my promise to her and leaving this information here for whomever may need it. Good luck.
In the year of the Great Yoki 6110, be it hereby enacted:
Article I
Section 5: Any given Yokisa shall have only one profession throughout his life, and shall have only one rank at any given time, and shall never wear more than one armband at any given time.
Section 10: No Yokisa with any Ghyntal blood in his veins may on any account rise above the rank of Honored One, except that nothing in this section shall be taken to contravene subsection (b) of section 30 of this Article or section 10 of Article II.
Section 15: No Yokisa with both Ghyntal and Dynal blood in his veins may on any account rise to the rank of Glorious One or higher, except that:
(a) a Yokisa with Ghyntal blood and Dynal blood may rise to the rank of Glorious One if that Yokisa has dedicated his life to the construction of houses; and
(b) nothing in this section shall be taken to contravene subsection (b) of section 30 of this Article or section 10 of Article II.
Section 20: Any Yokisa who dedicates his life to the production of food by raising crops from the ground shall never rise higher than the rank of Revered One.
Section 25: No Yokisa may ascend to the rank of Glorious One (the rank one level above Magnificent One) without attesting to his loyalty to the Great and Powerful Yoki from the altar of the Temple of Yoki.
Section 30:
(a) Any Yokisa who dedicates his life to artistic endeavors shall never have a rank lower than Glorious One.
(b) A Yokisa whom has dedicated his life to military service may rise to any rank.
Section 35: A Yokisa who has recently been promoted one level from the rank of Honored One to the rank of Exalted One must take an oath of eternal obedience the High Priest of Yoki, and such oath must be witnessed by the elders of his community.
Section 40: A Yokisa who is full-blooded Dynal shall be ineligible for any of the ranks below Exalted One and above Magnificent One.
Article II
Section 10: Only a Yokisa who is full-blooded Ghyntal or full-blooded Dynal may dedicate his life to religious pursuits.
Section 20:
(a) Only Yokisa who have both Ghyntal blood and Dynal blood may enter military service.
(b) A Yokisa who has entered military service shall wear the color armband appropriate to his rank, except that he may not violate section 60 of this Article.
Section 30: Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other Article (other than Section 60 of this Article), a Yokisa who has dedicated his life to religious pursuits may wear any color armband that he chooses, unless such choice violates section 60 of this Article.
Section 40: A Yokisa who has neither Ghyntal blood nor Dynal blood must dedicate his life to raising crops from the ground.
Section 50: A Yokisa who has some Dynal blood, but who is not full-Dynal and has no Ghyntal blood, must dedicate his life to artistic pursuits.
Section 60: Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a Yokisa who has dedicated his life to religious or military pursuits may not wear a yellow armband. If his rank dictates that he wear a yellow armband, he shall wear a green armband instead.
Section 70: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, a Yokisa who has dedicated his life to the construction of houses may not wear a black armband. If his rank dictates that he wear a black armband, he shall wear a green armband instead.
Article III
Section 110: Green Armbands shall be used to denote the rank of Glorious One, except that:
(a) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 30 of Article II; and
(b) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 60 of Article II or Section 70 of Article II.
Section 120: Red Armbands shall be used to denote the rank of Exalted One, provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 30 of Article II; and
Section 130: Black Armbands shall be used to denote the rank of Magnificent One, (the rank one level above Revered One), except that:
(a) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 30 of Article II; and
(b) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 70 of Article II.
Section 140: Yellow Armbands shall be used to denote the rank of Honored One (the rank one level above Glorious One), except that:
(c) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 30 of Article II; and
(d) nothing in this section shall be construed to contravene Section 60 of Article II.
Article IV
Section 10: In order to please the great and powerful Yoki, who guides us with wisdom in life and preserves our souls forever in death, upon their death Yokisa may only be buried with others of their same blood type in the spot designated for their blood type according to this Article.
Section 20: Those who are full-Dynal shall be buried at the intersection of the Way of the Wolf and the Way of the Rat, and their designated burial spot shall move south along the Way of the Rat, at the rate of one Giad every five years.
Section 30: Those who have Dynal blood, but who are not full-Dynal and have no Ghyntal blood, shall be buried at the intersection of the Way of the Wolf and the Way of the Rat, and their designated burial spot shall move north along the Way of the Rat at the rate of one Giad every fifty years.
Section 40: Those who have both Dynal blood and Ghyntal blood shall be buried at the intersection the Way of the Scorpion and the Way of the Locust, and their designated burial spot shall move west along the way of the Locust at the rate of one Giad every ten years.
Section 50: Those with neither Ghyntal blood nor Dynal blood shall be buried at the intersection of the Way of the Serpent and the Way of the Locust, and their designated burial spot shall move east along the Way of the Serpent at the rate of one Giad every fifty years.
Section 60: Those who are full-blooded Ghyntal shall be buried at the intersection of the Way of the Scorpion and the Way of the Buzzard, and the designated burial spot shall move west along the Way of the Buzzard at the rate of one Giad every fifty years.
Section 70: Those who have Ghyntal blood, but who are not full-Ghyntal and have no Dynal blood, shall be buried at the intersection of the Way of the Rat and the Way of the Serpent, and their designated burial spot shall move west along the Way of the Serpent, at the rate of one Giad every ten years.
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